Romain Slocombe for ROLEPLAY®

Romain Slocombe is a French artist, photographer and author born in Paris in 1953.
Well known in Japan, much of his photographic work from the 1980’s onwards has been created in Tokyo, where he is known as the ‘medical artist’ due to the recurring theme in his work of medical fetishism and exploration erotic trauma.

Romains photography and illustrations have been published in many books over the last four decades, including the pioneering ‘The Medical Art’ [1983], ‘Tristes Vacances’ [1986]; a collection of paintings documenting the injuries from a fictional Japanese coach crash, and the highly regarded Tokyo photographic diary ‘City of the Broken Dolls’ [1997]
His work has been exhibited worldwide including Tokyo, New York and throughout Europe.

ROLEPLAY® has worked with Romain Slocombe to produce a hand screen printed T shirt featuring his iconic broken dolls work.


